

 Many Dataset available in Kaggle choose any one if you don't have here i have choosen HR dataset and loaded it as shown below Now as i have list of all Hiring Years  I will use Slicer option as shown : Now i will choose column that is required inside slicer  To make it look good we will go in slider settings and change it accordingly here i am doing it as a tile . then it will look like this  Now in visualization add some background color  now add color in tiles so for that click on tile and then in visualization in general go to effects and add color accordingly  this is how it will look like after adding color and some shadow accordingly now add different different plots and graphs according to data : THANK YOU!!!!

Data Modeling Using Power BI

  Data modeling : It is the visual representation of data elements and the connection between them .  ER Diagrams : Entity relationship diagram basically it contains different symbols and attributes . Cardinality:- Many To One:-  In many to one relationship,   The column in one table can have more than one instance of a value, and the other related table, often knows as the lookup table, has only one instance of a value. One To One:-  In a one to one relationship, the column in one table has only one instance of a particular value, and the other related table has only one instance of a particular value. One To Many:-  In a one to many relationships, the column in one table has only one instance of a particular value, and the other related table can have more than one instance of a value. Many To Many:-  We can establish a many-to-many relationship between composite tables, which removes requirements for unique values in tables. Step 1 : Click on get d...

How to use and prepare Data in Power BI Desktop

  About Power Bi :  Microsoft Power BI is an interactive data visualization software product developed by Microsoft with a primary focus on business intelligence. It is part of the Microsoft Power Platform. In this blog We will see how to install and use power bi . 1. We will download Power bi desktop : for it go to Microsoft store and search Power Bi then click on get   2.   Then after downloading power bi desktop open it  and a window will appear as shown below. 3. After opening Power bi click on get data option as shown below: 4.   After clicking on get data you will see the option like excel,sql,text etc. choose one according to you  5. Now after chhosing the type you will see 3 options : Load , transform and cancel . 6.  Click on load data and automatically it will save . After loading press transform data option and a new window will appear containing the dataset. 7.        Now after loading the d...